Quality Executiion
Deep Analysis
Risk Control

Opix Algo is an algorithm trading service that makes trading decisions by analyzing market microstructure, such as order book dynamics to identify arbitrage trading opportunities in the FX market.




The financial markets changes rapidly and we reserve the right to change our strategies in the best interest of our clients without due notice.





No one can accurately predict the markets 100% of the time. It is all about statistics, probability and risk reward ratio.

OpixTrade the backbone of Opix Algo

  • OpixTrade is a cutting-edge trading and analytical platform that is specifically designed for order flow analysis. It is equipped with all of the tools you need for a deep and convenient market analysis.

The analysis method that we stated in this page is the strategy of Opix Algo. It is derived from volume, orders and trades data from our data providers. Our algorithm has shown that linear regression model can determine the variables of microstructure and market depth; the ANN model can classify the patterns of demand and supply zone, and store the values of the resultant trend vector for DTW algorithm to predict the future price range. By the same measure, the makers warehouse volume is an integral piece of data due to the maker’s role and capital in fx markets.


When combine these models, Opix Algo is profitable even with a basic trading strategy. Thus, we conclude Opix Algo is sufficient to gain insight into short-term directional change and ability to trade in high volume price range in the forex market.



Market risk arises from adverse market moves, potential failures of algorithms, IT systems and processes as well as human errors.

Opix Algo Pre-trade controls

check on market orders before they are sent to the markets. They allow for automatically blocking or cancelling orders as soon as trades occur outside defined price thresholds, surpass a maximum size, or post and excess number of orders automatically.

Opix Algo In-flight controls

allow users or providers to adjust execution parameters during an execution, often when market conditions change, or the algorithm behaves in an undesirable or unexpected way. This is important, for example, in instances of particularly low liquidity when market makers could dominate trading volume or stop trading altogether.

Opix Algo Post-trade controls

involve continued monitoring of intraday market and carrying trades with counterparties when limits are breached. Algorithms identify errors and potential issues, analysing the particular scenarios and improve execution strategies and risk controls.